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Unconditional Love?

Unconditional Love?

Have you ever seen unconditional love between a man and a woman? Does it last longer than a year? Is it part of the human condition that it’s not possible? Unconditional love between a man and a woman is very rare. Regardless of your sexual orientation, Unconditional...



You have been looking for ‘IT’ in all the wrong places! If I ask you to go to the corner store and get ‘IT’ for me, you will not know what you are suppose to get? Likewise when you are told to simply drop ‘IT’, how do you know what it is that you are to drop? Are you...

Get over “IT”!

Get over “IT”!

GET OVER IT! I am telling you that you just need to get over ‘IT’! For many years people have told you to... let ‘IT’ go, Accept ‘IT’, get over ‘IT’ surrender ‘IT’, forget about ‘IT’, don’t worry about ‘IT’, ‘IT’ will sort ‘IT’-self out you don’t want to think about...

You are full of Sh*t!

You are full of Sh*t!

You are full of Sh*t! Over 80% of the people claiming to be part of the spiritual community are simply full of sh*t! I don't care what kind of pretty white light you put over an outhouse, I still know its full of sh*t!   Many...

Falling in Love

by | Aug 14, 2011

Many search their entire life with the simple goal to fall in love. Movies glamorize the concept of falling in love. This search for love in the arms of another has its downfalls. If your goal is to find love in the arms of another you can be certain that this love will vanish once the other is gone.

Your quest for love should be one of an Internal search.  Not searching for the love you seek after all it is always right there inside you.  Every moment of every day Love is there.

The only search you can do to discover love is to ask the universe to simply remove your blocks that blind you from seeing it now.  I put on a pair of glasses yesterday that were specific to another. My eyes were cloudy and could not see what was right in front of me. Removing the glasses that cloud your vision is a simple task yet takes great effort on your part.

Remove your glasses and embrace the authentic Love right before you.



  1. Eduardo

    it is really an informative post. thanks buddy

    • King

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    • Okan

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