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Living in the Moment

Living in the Moment

Living in the moment The difficulty is not one of finding Peace, Bliss, Joy, Love or Compassion or even being present. Your difficulty is removing ego blocks to your ability to be in the present moment. As your past ego blocks are removed, clarity of your soul purpose...

The 7 Levels of Self

The 7 Levels of Self

Levels of Self You will experience the transcendence of the current level of self during your ‘self’-growth and removal of ego blocks. Workshops you have taken have allowed you to feel the self, however, now you can take the next...

Spiritual Differentiation

Spiritual Differentiation

For over 50 years now traditional Psychologists have worked with Bowen's theory of "Differentiation of Self". Spiritual Differentiation appears to be an opposite scale. In Self Differentiation pertains to the separation of Self...

The Universe opens the door, YOU still need to walk through it.

by | Sep 28, 2011

Everyone has heard the expression Opportunity knocks, however when the universe opens the door for you, you still are required to walk through.

The door opens everyday and yet who of you walk through it?

Many people comment daily that they wish things were different. In doing the wishing the universe answers and says “your wish is my command”.  The only problem is while the universe is listening you mutter to yourself…”who am I kidding it will never happen” and the universe responses “your wish is my command”.

I feel sorry for the universe having to make such fast changes.

Fear prevents people from simply walking through the door. The ego has both its arms and legs across the door trying to prevent you from entering heaven. The step is what is important, not the doorway or what is beyond eyesight. Heaven happens when you step, not when you arrive at the end of the path.

Take a moment today, breath deeply and ask the universe to simply remove the blocks that allow you to walk through the door. Don’t ask for the door yet, you need to get ready. Have patience with yourself and breathe.

Blocks come up in order for you to clear them out of the way. You don’t need them following you through the door. When you are getting ready for a date, you wash the grime and crap off you before you walk out the door.

You have a date with the universe, go shower off your ego blocks.


  1. Adriane

    could you increase the amount of your posts, i would like to read them more often. thanks.

  2. Cenilda

    when i want to entertain myself i come to your blog. please keep posting.


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